About Point Health Ministries, LLC

Tammy L. Point
Tammy grew up in a small town in Nebraska. She had a passion for helping the elderly at a young age. She felt compassion for them, putting their needs above her own and spent most of her younger years helping older relatives, by cleaning, running errands and visiting. She started working in a Nursing Home before OBRA ‘87 (Regulations governing Nursing Homes) had taken affect, as a STNA (State Tested Nurse Assistant) .
After graduating high school, she joined the U.S. Navy and served for 5 and 1⁄2 years. After being honorably discharged, she went back to working in Nursing Homes as an Activity Professional. She has worked in Dementia units, Skilled Facilities, Long Term Care Facilities, Assisted Living and Independent living facilities. She graduated from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Science in Gerontology. She received her National Certification in 2000. She is a Nationally Certified Activities Consultant through NCCAP and has been teaching the MEPAP 1 and 2 (Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals) courses since 2004. Tammy is trained to administer RCCT (Reality Comprehension Clock Test). RCCT helps families and healthcare workers understand the level at which their loved ones brain can function. Knowing this information is vital to the care of your loved ones and is ideal in Alzheimer’s and other dementia clients.